An attorney friend of mine just finished “Getting Work Right” and highly recommends it. Here’s a review by another reader of this book:
“This is a short book (171 pages), and relatively easy to read and understand. It examines really important questions for most people, whether we know it or not. Author Michael Naughton is both a professor who examines questions related to work and who is also a board chair of a business firm. So this book is not just academic thought considered in the abstract but is grounded in the daily work world. This is a helpful combination to have when reflecting on work and how it can be more meaningful.
The author looks at issues such as the challenge of integrity in our lives, the purpose of business, what makes good work, good goods, and good wealth. He also considers how our work lives are related to our need for leisure, and what makes good leisure. These are issues that touch upon every working person, but likely not considered by many.
This book is deeply rooted in the Catholic worldview, which offers much that can enrich life and make it worth living….. This book has given me a much deeper understanding and appreciation of work than I had before reading it. “
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