#2M22 graduated last month and now has some great offers from high-quality employers, so we broke down his potential compensation plans and put together a budget. He will now pay more just in taxes than he lived on each year in college. Guess who is now asking whether taxation is theft?
Author: Jeff Cassman
Screentime Is Ruining Your Kids
“Children or teens who are “revved up” and prone to rages or—alternatively—who are depressed and apathetic have become disturbingly commonplace. Chronically irritable children are often in a state of abnormally high arousal, and may seem “wired and tired.” That is, they’re agitated but exhausted. Because chronically high arousal levels impact memory and the ability to relate, these kids are also likely to struggle academically and socially.
At some point, a child with these symptoms may be given a mental-health diagnosis such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD, and offered corresponding treatments, including therapy and medication. But often these treatments don’t work very well, and the downward spiral continues.”
I once saw a dad take his kid to the back of the church and give him a tablet and then return to his pew alone, confusing the problem with the solution.
Read the rest of the article here.… Read the rest
How Does a Kid Manage to Do THIS?
The ‘Weaker’ Sex
If you think women are the weaker sex, just try pulling the covers back to your side.
A Hymn for the Holy Innocents
On the Feast of Holy Innocents, I shared a video of Coventry Carol singing “Lully, Lulla, Lullay”. The boys liked it so they practiced it a few times and then sang it for the local Knights of Columbus a few days ago. #1M24 directing, #4M19 singing tenor, #5M17 singing bass, #6M16 singing alto and #7M15, #8M13 and #9M11 singing soprano. Thanks to Tom Kimball and Nicolas Begley for the video.… Read the rest