NC17 warning (this may be the post that gets me into FB jail after four years of tempting them daily).
Don’t scroll down unless you are an adult comfortable and mature enough to deal with references to the female body -found here on Facebook, BTW. To my sons, that means: this is not for you.
I just saw a video on FB showing a cult of Feminazis who host “Vagina Watching Workshops” (actually I think they mean genital-watching workshops, since little to none of the vagina was visible). The women view themselves with mirrors and cameras, other women gaze into their labia and clitoris, and then they create plaster casts of their…inner thighs and external genitalia.
Now, let’s face it, they’re all more or less alike. Like people, they come in different shapes, sizes, colors and…well, you get the point. So why the obsession with them?
Yeah…so I’m not going to say anything more about women at this moment, although a great deal *could* be said. Here’s the REAL reason for this post:
Why is Alex Jones too dangerous for FB but these Feminazis and their genitalia are fine? (No, don’t ask me for a link to the video. It showed up on my timeline b/c I’ve been invited, but not accepted, an invitation to join a certain group of Meninists here on FB).