In the grandeur of Heaven, ’twas a moment divine, Where Earth met the cosmos in time’s sacred shrine. The Ascension of Jesus, a tale steeped in light, From mortal to celestial, in God’s holy sight.
Upon olive groves’ whisper, beneath cerulean dome, Jesus stood ‘mongst His apostles, far away from home. His words were of comfort, His love, a radiant beam, Guiding them gently across life’s turbulent stream.
“Go forth and teach all nations,” He commanded with grace, His voice echoed, an anthem through time and space. With hands raised toward heaven, His eyes glowing bright, He ascended, a silhouette in the midday light.
He rose like a lark at the dawn’s early light, In robes of pure white, a figure of might. Through the threshold of the azure, beyond mortal sight, He journeyed to realms of eternal light.
The apostles stood gaping, their hearts beating fast, Witnessing the divine spectacle vast. Awe-stricken, they stared at the empty space, Jesus was gone, but left His trace.
From earthly flesh to divine ascension, Jesus had completed His sacred mission. His love like a river, His wisdom, a dove, Returning to the Father in heavenly love.
His ascension a beacon, a sign for us all, A testament to rise after every fall. Through trials and tribulations, through pain and strife, The promise of ascension, the promise of life.
We, the earthly pilgrims on this mortal coil, Tread the path He lit, through life’s turmoil. His ascension, a symbol of hope and grace, … Read the rest