Tag: modernism
Barbarians at the Gate
Despite an unparalleled level of widespread affluence in the west and the highest standards of living in human history (even for the ‘poor’), socialism in America is increasingly popular and not just among millennials and liberals…even some self-described Christians are calling for increased government intervention in the form of wage and price regulation, higher taxes and outright seizure and redistribution of private property. Why? Because their greatest devotion is to the ideology of Karl Marx:
“As Bukovsky put it in a very recent interview with Epoch Times, “The Western elite is socialist. They were never serious about fighting Soviet power.” That is why Communism has made such a comeback in recent years, even in the United States, which rests on a foundation of capitalist success. Our current generation of emerging leaders speak openly and enthusiastically about Communism and socialism: “The absence of leadership is frightening. Our so-called elites became rotten. In the past, in history, the elites would be periodically wiped out in revolutions. In our time, it does not happen. We are too civilized.”

Mandatory Reading for Catholics
The crisis in the Church is not particular to the homosexual priest and those Bishops who promote and protect them; the larger problem is a corruption of the Church’s doctrine and liturgy that has enabled the perverts.
Among the greatest errors of the modernists is neo-ultramontanism, a heresy which elevates the person of the Bishop of Rome to a “successor of Christ” status, rather than a mere “successor of Peter”. These ‘Catholics’ see in each Pope a de facto reincarnation of Christ; a Priest and King who is to owed absolute obedience. This Papolatry has plagued the Church for 40 years and led to the loss of many tens of millions of souls and the confusion of hundreds of millions more.
The following article gets to the heart of the issue:
… Read the resthe chaos that engulfed the Church in the 1960s and 1970s was probably due in large part to rebellion against the tyrannical exercise of authority that had been inflicted on clergy and religious prior to the 1960s. Like other revolutions recorded by bistory, however, this revolt against tyranny did not lead to the triumph of freedom. Instead, it produced a more far-reaching and thorough tyranny, by destroying the elements of the ancien régime that had placed limits on the power of superiors. It did away with the factors listed above that had counteracted the influence of a tyrannical conception of authority in the Counter Reformation Church.
The progressive faction that seized power in seminaries and religious orders had its
Why Do They Pretend to be Catholic?
Shocking, but not surprising. (If you are surprised, it’s a sign you’ve been deluding yourself). FWIW: Wearing a collar doesn’t make you Catholic.
But besides being patronizing, the Vatican’s statement is a gross distortion of the situation. It portrays the Gards as acting alongside the doctors, but subject to outside manipulation. The Gards are resisting the doctors. The Gards are not facing “their decisions.” They are facing authorities that have overridden them. The good bishop writes that the Gards “must be heard and respected, but they too must be helped to understand the unique difficulty of their situation.” The people “helping” them to understand are speaking in the euphemisms of “death with dignity.”
The Vatican’s Statement on the Charlie Gard Case Is a Disgrace