Every time I see some Protestant say something I want to critique, Pope Francis opens his mouth and reminds us all that while Christ founded the Church, Bishops and Priests have been trying to destroy it ever since. (Edit: For those who are confused, scandalized or just eager to accuse: I am paraphrasing what Cardinal Consalvi said to Napoleon Bonaparte, after the latter had threatened to destroy the Church. Cardinal Consalvi said, “If in 1,800 years we clergy have failed to destroy the Church, do you really think that you’ll be able to do it?”)… Read the rest
A Powerful 60 Seconds
Coming Soon to a Government Near You
Secession for Thee, But Not for Me
If you agree with the American secession of 1775 but not any secession since, well, you might be a hypocrite.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2017/oct/27/beyond-catalonia-pro-independence-movements-in-europe-map… Read the rest
That Most Lethal of Combinations: Arrogance and Ignorance
FB is that most egalitarian of communities, making present the spirit of the French Revolution in new and unimaginable ways. Can you imagine a medium by which the Dunning Kruger effect could be demonstrated over and over again with such perfection? I know-as a few of you must-from daily first-hand experience that the very people who are smugly superior while proving their near-total ignorance of a topic on FB are also the least likely to speak up in a public forum. I fear that in the same manner a virus spreads, this online behavior must inevitably have an adverse effect on the cumulative IQ of the species.… Read the rest