If you agree with the American secession of 1775 but not any secession since, well, you might be a hypocrite.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2017/oct/27/beyond-catalonia-pro-independence-movements-in-europe-map… Read the rest
Between Opportunities
If you agree with the American secession of 1775 but not any secession since, well, you might be a hypocrite.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2017/oct/27/beyond-catalonia-pro-independence-movements-in-europe-map… Read the rest
I’m a veteran, but armchair Patriots tell me I’m anti-American, or hate my country, for criticizing the regime, or for telling people there is no divine law obliging them to vote for the Republican nominee for President.
This is statism folks, not patriotism. If you don’t see the difference, you’re probably in the former camp and should read this article before you do anything else today.
Gary North on the Truth About the Declaration of Independence… Read the rest