Tag: kids
Merry Christmas from the Cassmans

Have You Met Each of the Seven ‘Cry Room Mom’ Personas?
Yesterday I spent some time in the back of the church with #13F1.25 who, like her older sisters, thinks she is in charge. It’s not the first time I’ve been the only father in the back with a bunch of mothers. It IS the first time I’ve seen all 7 Cry Room Mom Personas simultaneously, even though there is no cry room.
1) the newish Mom who is overly protective and glares at me for letting my toddler roam out of arm’s reach or get too close to her (older than my) child, 2) the 30ish mom who is pregnant and has what appears to be 6 children under five, 3) the 20ish mom who is trying to nurse a screaming infant but is so worried about her modesty she’s brought a queen-sized comforter from home that infuriates the infant and draws attention to both, 4) the mom who brought all four of her kids (ages 11, 8, 5, 3) to the back and the infant is the best-behaved, 5) the mom who loudly threatens her badly behaved toddler but doesn’t actually ever discipline, 6) the mom whose choice of a summer dress failed to anticipate the possibility she would be crawling around on all fours in the back of the church in front of a father of 13, and of course my personal favorite, 7) the comatose mom who neither participates in Mass nor pays any attention to her toddler who clearly has a vocation to be … Read the rest
Don’t You Know What Causes That?!
Most people think I’m crazy for having 12 kids. There are lots of reasons for it, but one I rarely mention; every day I come home to little people who yell and scream my name and run to hug me. Like this guy, #12, who follows me around calling my name and trying to tell me things.… Read the rest
Fear of Failure is Fear of Living
I love the diversity of personalities that make up a big family, and life, for that matter. #2 is much more like his Mother than he is
me. This morning I mentioned off-handedly that I’d ordered something online from China. A business expense. A look of slight alarm passed over his face. I preemptively explained that I’d done some research on this particular item, the seller, and was reasonably sure it would work out.
He replied with great gravity, “What do you think the chances are you’ll be disappointed?” Ha! What a great question! I got a good laugh at that and said, “Well, I guess I would say about 30%, although it’d be tough to justify that. I’m quite a bit more sure of being satisfied, although I would say the chances are fair that I won’t be. But I have a plan if that’s the case, so I’m not too worried about it either way”. I then briefly explained my Plan B.
He didn’t say anything. The look on his face showed his doubt. So like his Mom! So I said, “I don’t mind risks…I’m prepared for some disappointment, but also delight in achieving something, discovering something new, or learning something, or perhaps just as satisfying, proving my judgment to be accurate. That’s pride, of course, but enjoyable. I learn something, perhaps even more, from my mistakes”.
At that moment his Mother entered the room and, hearing at least some part of the discussion, said, “Yeah, but I … Read the rest