It’s day 119 since that guy stuck a knife through my throat into my spine and I still haven’t recovered my taste for bourbon or coffee. The neurologist is stumped. Now what?
Month: January 2020
Meet a Holy Child
La Misa en Espanol
My circumstances yesterday were such that I attended a 4pm Spanish liturgy. #12M5 wanted to attend to “find out what a Spanish Mass is”, and once the Mass began he was looking in every direction, brow furrowed.
After several minutes he asked me, loudly, “Where are all these people from and why are they speaking Spanish?”. I quietly explained that most were from Mexico and that’s why they speak Spanish. He then said, just as loudly and right as the Church fell silent after the Epistle, “I think they should learn to speak English!”… Read the rest
Two Proven Ways to Cut Health Care Costs by 75%
Getting government out of health care is the obvious and easiest way to quickly improve care and reduce costs, but these are still good ideas.
A New Way to Define Restless Sleep
#2M22 let me borrow his fancy smart watch to evaluate my sleep. I love how it describes a 15 month old screaming bloody murder, kicking me in the back or slapping me in the face as “restless” sleep. … Read the rest